First Generation Box

It was created to let students take our prevention work home to their families. And it packs both scientific research and over 20 years of abuse prevention experience into an appealing format that invites families to start a challenging but necessary conversation.

The year I forgot Father’s Day

All of us are too familiar with the many changes the pandemic has forced upon us. And LSIS wasn’t spared. We had to invent new ways to reach the students of PBC. But the Family Box began in an unexpected place. Dr. Spencer, our CEO, shares what happened: “Like many of us, as we adjusted to our new pandemic lives, working from home, homeschooling, and no longer going out except for essentials, I had lost track of time and forgot about Father’s Day. So three days before, I was scrambling for a gift for my husband. Luckily, I found a coffee subscription box and ordered it. When it arrived, it was beautiful inside and out, containing a selection of exotic coffee and a set of items to create a rich experience around the special beans. My hubby’s delight in receiving the box and discovering all the items in it sparked a moment of recognition, making me realize what a great experience receiving a package can be, and I started to imagine how our work at LSIS could benefit from this kind of engagement. And thus, the Family Box was born. Of course, now the hard part began: figuring out how to make it real.